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Possible criticality scenario and its mechanism of the Windscale Works criticality accident in 1970 analyzed by computational fluid dynamics and Monte Carlo neutron transport

福田 航大

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 208(1), p.110748_1 - 110748_10, 2024/12

The Windscale Works criticality accident in 1970 resulted from mixing an aqueous solution with an organic solvent with different plutonium concentrations and densities. Although this accident has been studied using improved computer capabilities in recent years, a precise criticality scenario has not yet been identified. This study aims to clarify a possible criticality scenario of the accident-the time variation of reactivity and its mechanism. The accident was simulated by combining the multiphase computational fluid dynamics solver of OpenFOAM and the delta-tracking-based Monte Carlo neutron transport code Serpent2. Consequently, the periodic uneven arrangement of fluids might have caused oscillations in neutron leakage and absorption, resulting in periodic wavy reactivity changes. Furthermore, the emulsion, which was thought to be the primary cause, might not be the dominant mechanism for reactivity change, although it contributed to the criticality of the accident.


Radioactivity estimation of radioactive hotspots using a Compton camera and derivation of dose rates in the surrounding environment

佐藤 優樹

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 212, p.111421_1 - 111421_8, 2024/10

At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, radiation sources released in the accident were deposited on various equipment and building structures. During decommissioning, it is crucial to understand the distribution of radiation sources and ambient dose equivalent rates to reduce worker exposure and implement detailed work planning. In this study, the author introduces a method for visualizing radiation sources, estimates their radioactivity using a Compton camera, and derives the dose rate around the radiation sources. In the demonstration test, the Compton camera was used to visualize radioactive hotspots caused by $$^{137}$$Cs radiation sources deposited in the outdoor environment and estimated the radioactivity. Furthermore, the dose rate around the hotspots was calculated from the estimated radioactivity, which confirmed that the calculated dose rate correlated with the dose rate measured using a survey meter. This approach is novel, where a series of analyses were conducted using the Compton camera to visualize radioactive hotspots, estimate the radioactivity, and derive the dose rate in the surrounding environment.


Pearlite growth kinetics in Fe-C-Mn eutectoid steels; Quantitative evaluation of energy dissipation at pearlite growth front via experimental approaches

Zhang, Y.-J.*; 梅田 岳昌*; 諸岡 聡; Harjo, S.; 宮本 吾郎*; 古原 忠*

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 55(10), p.3921 - 3936, 2024/10

In this study, a series of eutectoid steels with Mn addition up to 2 mass% were isothermally transformed at various temperatures from 873 K to 973 K to clarify the pearlite growth kinetics and the underlying thermodynamics at its growth front. The microscopic observation indicates the acceleration in pearlite growth rate and refinement in lamellar spacing by decreasing the transformation temperature or the amount of Mn addition. After analyzing the solute distribution at pearlite growth front via three-dimensional atom probe, no macroscopic Mn partitioning across pearlite/austenite interface is detected, whereas Mn segregation is only observed at ferrite/austenite interface. Furthermore, in-situ neutron diffraction measurements performed at elevated temperatures reveals that the magnitude of elastic strain generated during pearlite transformation is very small.


Iron coupled with hydroxylamine turns on the "switch" for free radical degradation of organic pollutants under high pH conditions

Tian, Q.*; Feng, L.*; Wu, C.*; Wen, J.*; Qiu, X.*; 田中 万也; 大貫 敏彦*; Yu, Q.*

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 669, p.1006 - 1014, 2024/09

In this study, we assessed the impact of solution pH on organic pollutant degradation by goethite with the addition of hydroxylamine. This study demonstrated that the system can continuously scavenge organic pollutants through oxygen-mediated generation of free radicals under alkaline conditions.


Experimental determination of deposition velocity of CsOH aerosols on CaCO$$_{3}$$ at temperature range 170 - 290$$^{circ}$$C

Luu, V. N.; 中島 邦久

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 426, p.113402_1 - 113402_7, 2024/09

A field assessment at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station revealed high radioactivity on the concrete shield plugs, which is estimated above 20 PBq for Cs-137 at units 2 and 3. This leads to significant interest in the retention of Cs on concrete during severe accidents (SA). However, the interaction of CsOH, as one of the main Cs forms released in SA, with concrete surfaces at elevated temperatures remains poorly researched. In this study, we have experimentally investigated the deposition behavior of CsOH on CaCO$$_{3}$$, which is the primary phase existing on the surface of concrete, under humid atmosphere. As a result, the chemical reaction enhanced deposition rate (N), and increased linearly with CsOH concentration (C$$_{g}$$), as following expression: N($$mu$$g/cm$$^{2}$$・s) = v$$_{d}$$C$$_{g}$$, where v$$_{d}$$ is temperature-dependent deposition velocity as given by ln v$$_{d}$$ (cm/s) = -3785.8/T + 3.766, for T in the range of 170 and 290 $$^{circ}$$C. This empirical model can be integrated into severe accident codes to quantify the chemical trapping of cesium on concrete surfaces during ex-vessel release. Moreover, it can contribute to understanding the reasons behind the high dose rate on concrete shield plugs at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power stations and aid in developing effective decommissioning practices for concrete structures.



燃料材料開発部 許認可申請等対応グループ

JAEA-Testing 2024-002, 20 Pages, 2024/08




Analytical studies on effects of wind on dispersion of hydrogen leaked in a partially open space

寺田 敦彦; 永石 隆二

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(8), p.1135 - 1154, 2024/08



Retention of hydrogen bubbles generated from water radiolysis in carbonate slurry

伊藤 辰也; 永石 隆二; 桑野 涼*

Nuclear Technology, 210(8), p.1427 - 1443, 2024/08





JAEA-Review 2024-004, 124 Pages, 2024/07




Giant barocaloric effects in sodium hexafluorophosphate and hexafluoroarsenate

Zhang, Z.*; 服部 高典; Song, R.*; Yu, D.*; Mole, R.*; Chen, J.*; He, L.*; Zhang, Z.*; Li, B.*

Journal of Applied Physics, 136(3), p.035105_1 - 035105_8, 2024/07

バロカロリック材料を用いた固体冷凍は、環境に優しく高効率であるため、過去10年間にわたり世界的に注目されてきた。ここでは、室温付近で立方晶から菱面体晶への相転移を起こすヘキサフルオロ燐酸ナトリウム(NaPF$$_6$$)とヘキサフルオロ砒酸ナトリウム(NaAsF$$_6$$)における巨大バロカロリック効果を報告する。われわれは中性子粉末回折により、NaPF$$_6$$の低温相の構造が空間群R$=3$の菱面体構造であることを明らかにした。NaPF$$_6$$とNaAsF$$_6$$には3つのラマン振動モード(F$$_{2g}$$, E$$_g$$, A$$_{1g}$$)が存在する。相転移温度はNaPF$$_6$$及びNaAsF$$_6$$においてそれぞれdT$$_t$$/dP=250K/GPa及び310K/GPaの割合で圧力とともに変化する。NaPF$$_6$$とNaAsF$$_6$$の圧力誘起エントロピー変化は、それぞれ約45.2Jkg$$^{-1}$$K$$^{-1}$$と35.6Jkg$$^{-1}$$K$$^{-1}$$と決定された。飽和駆動圧力は約40MPaであった。高圧下の中性子粉末回折から、バロカロリック効果は立方晶から菱面体晶への圧力誘起相転移に関係していることが示唆された。


Mechanical properties of base metal and heat-affected zone in friction-stir-welded AA6061-T6 at ultra-low temperature of 20 K

Nguyen, T.-D.*; Singh, C.*; Kim, Y. S.*; Han, J. H. *; Lee, D.-H.*; Lee, K.*; Harjo, S.; Lee, S. Y.*

Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 31, p.1547 - 1556, 2024/07

This study investigates the mechanical properties of a friction-stir-welded (FSW) AA6061-T6 aluminum alloy at ultra-low temperature (ULT) of 20 K. In-situ neutron diffraction and orientation imaging microscopy were employed to compare the tensile deformation behavior of the base metal (BM) and heat-affected zone (HAZ) in the FSW aluminum plate. The results demonstrate that compared to room-temperature (RT), ULT induces a significant improvement in tensile strength and ductility in both the BM and HAZ. The enhanced mechanical properties in BM at ULT result from a more homogeneous deformation than occurs at RT. On the other hand, HAZ at ULT exhibits an even lower yield strength than at RT, but the strain hardening rate (SHR) is the most significant among the alloys, leading to a tensile strength of 346 MPa and the highest ductility of 46.8%. The lowest yield strength corresponds to the lowest-hardness zones in HAZ, caused by dissolved/coarsened precipitates during the FSW process.


Power profile analysis of criticality accidents involving fissile solution boiling with considering evaporation

渡邉 友章; 山根 祐一

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.958 - 966, 2024/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

核分裂性溶液の沸騰を伴う臨界事故では、沸騰中に比較的高い核分裂出力が継続するため、放出される総核分裂エネルギーが高くなる傾向がある。このような場合において総核分裂エネルギーを推定するためには、沸騰中の核分裂出力変化を正確に模擬することが必要不可欠と考えられる。沸騰時の核分裂出力は、核分裂性物質の濃度や溶液の蒸発に伴う体積によって変化する。本研究では、長時間の沸騰における核分裂生成物濃度と体積の変化が総核分裂エネルギー推定に与える影響を調査した。改良準定常法に核分裂性溶液の蒸発を計算するモデルを導入し、沸騰中の出力変化を模擬した。3つのCRAC実験と1959年のIdaho Chemical Processing Plant(ICPP)臨界事故を解析した。その結果、沸騰時の濃度と体積変化を考慮して得られたエネルギー計算値は、エネルギー測定値をよく再現した。


Evaluation of radiation dose caused by bremsstrahlung photons generated by high-energy beta rays using the PHITS and GEANT4 simulation codes

志風 義明

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.894 - 910, 2024/07

福島第一原子力発電所事故により原子炉建屋内で放出された放射性核種のうち、$$^{90}$$Srや$$^{90}$$Y等の高エネルギー$$beta$$線源は、壁、床、壁や内部構造などの建屋の物質中で制動放射光子を発生させる。したがって、原子炉建屋の作業員に対する制動放射の放射線量を評価することは、放射線防護にとって極めて重要である。制動放射線量の評価計算の精度を、粒子重イオン輸送コードシステム(PHITS)とGEometry AND Tracking(GEANT4)シミュレーションコードの結果を比較することにより調査した。計算では、様々な遮蔽板(鉛、銅、アルミニウム、ガラス、ポリエチレン、厚さは1.0$$sim$$40mm)の背後にある水円筒を評価材料として設定し、制動放射光子による吸収線量及び付与エネルギースペクトルを得て、両シミュレーションコードの特性と差異を調査した。付与エネルギースペクトルの比較結果では、スペクトル形状には矛盾しない同様の傾向がある。数十keV以下のエネルギー範囲では、鉛遮蔽物質のPHITSのスペクトルにピークが見られる。制動放射光子を発生させるための遮蔽板の様々な条件下での吸収線量を比較すると、両コードのほとんどの結果は、2.280MeV$$beta$$線源については約10%差以内、0.5459MeV$$beta$$線源については20mm厚の鉛の場合の約30%を除いて約20%差以内で相関している。場合によっては差異はあるが、2つのシミュレーションコードの評価結果は上記の精度で良く相関していると結論付けられた。


High temperature nanoindentation of (U,Ce)O$$_{2}$$ compounds

Frazer, D.*; Saleh, T. A.*; 松本 卓; 廣岡 瞬; 加藤 正人; McClellan, K.*; White, J. T.*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 423, p.113136_1 - 113136_7, 2024/07



Measurement of the response of a $$^6$$Li-glass detector to gamma rays by a coincidence method

伊藤 史哲*; Lee, J.; 弘中 浩太; 高橋 時音; 鈴木 敏*; 持丸 貴則*; 堀 順一*; 寺田 和司*; 小泉 光生

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1064, p.169465_1 - 169465_9, 2024/07

The response of a gamma-ray spectrometer is generally determined by analyzing full-energy peaks. However, full-energy peaks cannot be measured easily in the case of scintillation detectors that consist of light elements, such as glass scintillators. Only a strong Compton plateau appears in the spectrum of such detectors. Therefore, Compton edgers were used to evaluate the response of these detectors. The response of a low-resolution $$^6$$Li-glass detector to gamma rays was measured for the first time by a coincidence method with a high-resolution LaBr$$_3$$:Ce detector using cascade gamma rays (2.75 and 1.37 MeV) from a $$^{24}$$Na source. Coincidence gates were applied at the peaks of the spectrum of the LaBr$$_3$$:Ce detector at the 0.51 MeV annihilation peak, and the sum peaks of a gamma ray and a backscattered gamma ray. By analyzing the gated spectra of the $$^6$$Li-glass detector, the energy-dependent detector response (i.e., the output strength and its dispersion) was determined.


Development of the buckling evaluation method for large scale vessels in fast reactors made of grade 91 steel and austenitic stainless steel with large initial imperfections

岡藤 孝史*; 三浦 一浩*; 佐郷 ひろみ*; 村上 久友*; 渡壁 智祥; 安藤 勝訓; 宮崎 真之

Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2024/07




石田 真也; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖

第28回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム講演論文集(インターネット), 4 Pages, 2024/06



Consideration of the dielectric response for radiation chemistry simulations

樋川 智洋; 甲斐 健師; 熊谷 友多; 横谷 明徳*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(21), p.214119_1 - 214119_9, 2024/06



建屋応答モニタリングと損傷イメージング技術を活用したハイブリッド型の原子炉建屋長期健全性評価法の開発研究(委託研究); 令和4年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業

廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東北大学*

JAEA-Review 2023-048, 151 Pages, 2024/05




Experimental investigation on local flow structures of upward cap-bubbly flows in a vertical large-size square channel

孫 昊旻; 功刀 資彰*; 横峯 健彦*; Shen, X.*; 日引 俊*

Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 154, p.111171_1 - 111171_24, 2024/05

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.03

Taking the importance of gas-liquid two-phase flows in large square channels for advanced nuclear reactors, such as ESBWR, we experimented with upward cap-bubbly flows in a large square channel. Local void fractions, axial gas velocities, and interfacial area concentrations for two bubble-size groups were measured at three axial locations. Based on the database, cap-bubbly flow characteristics in a large square channel were understood. The existing drift-flux and interfacial area concentration correlations were validated. The void fraction covariances were obtained and used to validate their existing correlations.

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